8 February 2022 |
Call for participants: 2-week app use study
Would you be interested in using and testing an app for planning a safe journey? The study will last 2 weeks, including a 30-min interview, 2-week app use, daily diaries, and a 2-hour focus group in the end. Your time and contribution will be compensated up to £20 digital vouchers. If you would like to take part, please register your interest below: Route Aware 2-week app use study For more details, you can find the information sheet: |
7 September 2021 |
Survey: Good and Bad aspects of your local environment
The environment can affect people’s wellbeing. We would like to know your experience of both good and bad aspects of your local environment. Please take part in our survey by clicking: https://nquire.org.uk/mission/investigating-your-local-environment It will take 10-15 minutes to complete the survey. If any question, please contact: citizenforensics@gmail.com |
29 June 2021 |
Community Self-investigation Environmental Study
You are invited to take part in our paid workshop and focus group study in the short future, with the aim to explore your self-investigation of the real environmental issue identified by your community. This is a 2-month study running from July/August 2021, and each participant will be compensated with £20-£60 high street vouchers. All workshop & focus group sessions will be online. Please find more details below: You could register your interest here or email citizenforensics@gmail.com |
26 October 2020 |
Green Criminology Survey
We would like to explore individual experiences of people’s local environments. This is open to anybody (aged 18 or over) living in the UK or the Republic of Ireland. For participants in the Republic of Ireland:https://openss.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3jBG1Xd9wwFyQcZ |
16 October 2020 |
Social media and eyewitness evidence
Are you interested in eyewitness or websleuthing research? Please take part in our new online experiment, investigating the role of social media on eyewitness memory, by clicking this link: https://experiment.citizenforensics.org. The experiment is in two parts, and each part will take about 20 minutes. Thank you for helping us to know more about this important topic. |
23 March 2020 |
Survey: Understanding Social Distancing
As we are living in a time of social distancing, we would like to understand how residents in the UK and the island of Ireland manage COVID-19 online. This survey is now closed. The resources linked below provide advice on supporting your mental health and wellbeing For participants in the UK: https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/ For participants in the Republic of Ireland: https://www2.hse.ie/wellbeing/mental-health/minding |
30 August 2019 |
Join our focus group study and get £10 high street voucher
The stakeholder study aims to explore existing citizen-police collaborations (including people, actions, and technologies) and ideas for potential new ways in which these collaborations can be enhanced in the future This study is now complete and we are no longer recruiting participants. |
11 July 2019 |
Social media and eyewitness evidence